Streetwear Jacket

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      How to wear a Streetwear Jacket

      This time of year, many people wonder how to wear a street jacket in style. Street jackets are naturally a somewhat intimidating layering piece. If the proportions are wrong, they can look unnecessary and difficult to wear, and will make you look bigger than you actually are. However, if you find a style that works for you (could be cropped jeans, long jeans, furry jeans, or classic jeans), you'll soon discover that street jackets are a cool and creative layering sheet for some of the most fashionable looks Taste.

      We showed ten new ways of matching vests, which can match the items already in your wardrobe, including feminine dresses, your favorite jeans, single items, and so on.

      A short and tight Streetwear Jacket

      Short-fitting street jackets are a great way to show a toned waist and arms. It also looks delicate and polished, making it a great choice for a business office. Olivia Palermo chose to pair her jacket with a mini skirt, and Pandora Sykes chose to tie it to a bohemian dress (very suitable for fall). In the end, Princess Kate chose to wear an olive green vest over the classic white shirt, reminiscent of the English countryside.

      An exotic and design jacket

      Look for folk street jackets that are printed or decorated with bright colors and ethnic patterns. You can easily dilute the vitality of this single product by wearing a black and white single product-simple straight skirts and high heels will bring out the exquisite factor.

      A Streetwear Jacket for all occasions

      We like how Eva Chen designed the baby pink double-breasted street jacket into a dress. It may be designed to be worn this way, but it can also be worn open over pants and tops. In the colder months, we would wear a comfortable white turtleneck sweater underneath to get the same look.

      A sober Black Streetwear Jacket for every Streetwear Outfit

      This look is a bit like a wild card-but we like it! Because black is so basic and easy to wear, an oversized or slightly dramatic jacket is a great way to introduce some serious character. The belted style allows you to show off your figure, or you can open your clothes to cover up problem areas. Remember, the possibilities for layering are endless... these look great on a tight vest, but they can also be cool when worn on a turtleneck or knitted sweater in the fall.

      A Streetwear Jacket in Jean

      Our first question is: What can't a denim jacket match? Whether you mix and match denim and denim, or pair a jacket with jeans, or put it on a cute dress in spring, or a street style hoodie, you can't go wrong. We assure you!

      Worth noting: Flared jeans (and even cropped pants) are now making a comeback. A layered look (middle) of a super-long denim jacket paired with classic black oxford and flared jeans is a fun mix of sophistication and playfulness—perfect for a weekend or more casual office vibe.

      Denim jackets also come in different cuts-tailored, extra-long, extra-large, fit-so be sure to try several styles to find the one that best suits your wardrobe.

      If you want to take a look at our other collection, we recommend you take a look at our Streetwear Shoes collection.